Who is Goo?
Goo is me. More accurately, goo is a Thai first-person pronoun and one of the genius aspects of the Thai language. You see, by referring to oneself as goo, one is actually being offensive to other people. Think about it for a second, what can you say about yourself in English that is offensive to other people? Nothing really. It's almost as if you were using the normal English pronoun "I" but with a silent "motherf*cker" appended.
But goo is more than that. Goo is a pronoun you use with close friends to show your familiarity, goo is how you can refer to yourself when fate and karma have mocked you, goo is often someone who is really pissed off. Goo can be so many things. So, Goo is me. I am Goo. And this is where Goo will talk about Goo.
Below is goo written in Thai. The character on the top is the "g". The character on the bottom is the "oo". Thai is a beatiful language that makes so much sense, more than anything else in the country.
But goo is more than that. Goo is a pronoun you use with close friends to show your familiarity, goo is how you can refer to yourself when fate and karma have mocked you, goo is often someone who is really pissed off. Goo can be so many things. So, Goo is me. I am Goo. And this is where Goo will talk about Goo.
Below is goo written in Thai. The character on the top is the "g". The character on the bottom is the "oo". Thai is a beatiful language that makes so much sense, more than anything else in the country.

Very interesting. I don't know if I understand it completely. Also, "a boy named goo" is the title of a Goo Goo Dolls cd. :)
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